We have three weekly games in Blantyre. You can just turn up and play at any of them.
If you’ve not played before and want someone to explain the rules, show you some throws, etc. please send us a message on Facebook, WhatsApp Asher on +265 888 055 773 or use the contact form at the bottom of the page.
Family game (Sunday afternoon)
Who is it for? Anyone and everyone. We play mixed games by age and gender.
When is it? Every Sunday. Arrive at 3.30. Games start at 4.00pm and go until dusk.
Any cost? We have monthly membership – you pick the level you can afford, from FREE to K20,000 per month. The first month is free for everyone.
Where is it? Blantyre Sport Club (BSC), main field
Family game (Tuesday afternoon)
Who is it for? Anyone over the age of 10.
When is it? Every Tuesday in term time. 4.45-5.45
Any cost? No.
Where is it? Hillview International School, Limbe.
More info: Hillview website
Adult game (Wednesday evening)
Who is it for? Over 15s who want to play a competitive game – you don’t have to be good, but you need to be willing to try (and run).
When is it? Every Wednesday. Games start at 6.30pm and go until about 8.30.
Any cost? We have monthly membership – you pick the level you can afford, from FREE to K20,000 per month. The first month is free for everyone.
Where is it? Saint Andrew’s International HIGH School in Nyambadwe/Ndirande. Parking is through the Ndirande gate – follow the road to Ndirande and the gate is on the left where the road splits.
What if it’s raining?
We play in all weather (and in the dark) as you can see…

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