Yes, this Sunday we’ll be taking the field again for our weekly family pick-up game!

Having taken advice from some of our medically-trained members, we’ve made some adjustments and additional rules to try to minimsie the likelihood of us spreading the virus.

Playing safe

The measures below are to help us to minimise the risk of spreading the virus. They check our health before play, encourage us not to breathe heavily on one another and sanitise regularly.

  • Regsiter if you want to play:
  • Mark at least 2m away
  • The stall count will be made from the sidelines
  • Every 20 mins, we will take a 5 min break
  • If you’re on the sidelines, keep 2m away from one another
  • Wash your hands and discs every time you take the field
  • No contact: no hugging/handshakes/high fives
  • No sharing of water bottles
  • There will be no bibs, so please bring a light and a dark shirt

Game details

Venue: Blantyre Sport Club (main field)

Cost: FREE

Day: Sunday

Time: Games start at 3.30

ALL players must register EVERY WEEK.
You will not be allowed to play until you have filled out the form. You can do this online before coming, or ARRIVE EARLY and someone will help you fill it out on their phone. If you arrive late there is no guarantee someone will be able to assist you until there is a break in the games.

We are hiring the field from Blantyre Sports Club, it is free to play because several members have agreed to sponsor it K5,000 each per week. If you are willing to chip in, please email or WhatsApp +265 888 055 773.