This Saturday will be the third meeting between Malawi’s two biggest (only) ultimate teams. We’ll be competing for the chance to be crowned Malawi Ultimate Champions and win the MUC Hippo Trophy.

In both previous meetings the visiting team has been victorius, this time Blantyre Ultimate hope to break that form.
Before the main event there will be a picnic and various warm-up matches, and afterwards a party at Baobab Backpackers. All players and supporters are encouraged to come to the whole day.
Venue: Saint Andrew’s International High School, Nyambadwe
13.00 Picnic lunch – Blantyre players please bring a dish to share
14.00 Women’s game (20 minutes)
14.30 Malawi vs The World – mixed Blantyre and Lilongwe teams, Malawians vs citizens of elsewhere (20 minutes)
15.00 Under 20s – mixed younger players from Blantyre and Lilongwe (20 minutes)
15.30 Warm-up game awards
16.00 Headline game: Blantyre vs Lilongwe
18.30 Party at Boabab Backpackers, Sunnyside – including Headline game awards
Games will be self-refereed and played in the spirit of ultimate and good sportspersonship. If any dispute arises, we will defer to the WFDF rules:
Warm up games
Warm up games will be played on a 20 minute timer. The team with the most points at the end of 20 minutes wins.
Women’s game: if possible, this will be Blantyre vs Lilongwe, otherwise mixed teams.
Malawi vs The World: it’s up to each player to say where s/he is from.
Under 20s: we may change the upper age limit depending on who is able to play.
Headline game
Teams should do their best to have the same gender split. This will likely mean three women on the field for each team.
The headline game will be played to 15, with a margin of at least 2 goals. The hard cap will be 17. This means if one team reaches 15 before the other team reaches 14, they win. However, if the score is 14-14 then the game goes into overtime. To win in overtime a team needs to get a 2 goal lead or reach 17.
There will be a 10 minute half-time break when one team reaches 8 goals.
If neither team has won after 90 minutes (including the half-time break) the game will end; at this point the team with the highest score are the winners; if both teams have the same score the game is a draw.
The winners will take home the Malawi Ultimate Champions trophy. In the event of a draw it shall stay with the current holders.
Download: Programme and Rules