These are being sold as a fundraiser so that we can send a Malawi Ultimate team to an international tournament at some point in the next couple of years.
Please tell your friends and family they are welcome to order them if they like them.
I will arrange to make deliveries in Blantyre and we’ll see what we can do about getting them to Lilongwe. Orders to other places are likely to incur a charge for delivery.
If you are a regular player in Blantyre or Lilongwe, contact Asher for a special price for your shirt.
This post has been updated with new pricing and sizing.
I’ve finally finished the designs for the Malawi Ultimate t-shirts and I’ll be placing the order for them this week. Please add your order below so I know how many of each size to get made.
Sorry about this but because of an issue with the original manufucturer – they hadn’t understood that we wanted reversible shirts – I’ve had to find a new manufucturer and so the price has gone up slightly and the sizes may have changed. Please check below and confirm your order.
Further update (6/5/19): The new manufacturer, it turns out, also couldn’t make thje shirts reversible, so everyone will get two t-shirts, one ‘home’ and one ‘away’. The price and sizing remain the same.
Thanks and sorry for the hassle.
‘Home’ and ‘Away’ designs
The t-shirts will come as a set of two t-shirts: the green/black design for ‘home’ and the white design for ‘away’. They’ll be made from lightweight, wicking material.
Sizing – updated
They are coming from China, so the sizing may be different to what you’re expecting. You may have to order a bigger size than you would normally take. This is their sizing chart:
People ordering and paying now will get a set of t-shirts at cost price: K13,500 (£14.00, $18.50) – this is for a ‘home’ and ‘away’ set of two t-shirts.
I will need the money soon, as it’s quite a big outlay for me. I’ll send payment details when I confirm your order.
If you can’t pick the t-shirts up from me in person, you’ll need to pay any delivery costs as well – we’ll arrange someone to bring a load to Lilongwe for free though.